BIG 3-0

On the eve of my 30th birthday I’ve taken some time to write this blog. Over the last few weeks I’ve taken some time to reflect on my life and not just the past six since my accident but as far back as I can remember. The ups and downs, trials and tribulations that have led me to 30. I look back and think of things I’ve done or accomplished or moments I’ve shared with people. It’s been a very blessed 30 years and to say it’s been anything but a roller coaster would be just false. Obviously I’m always going to have lows and bumps in the road but I feel in life I’m finally to the point where there’s more good than bad happening. I’m finally to the point I can plan for the future. For the longest time I’ve looked at high school/college mates and felt I was behind but I no longer feel that way. Life just plays out differently for everyone. It took me the past year to realize this. The year leading up to tomorrow as been one that saw a lot of growth physically and mentally. There were a lot firsts. There were a lot of changes. I find myself looking towards the future and for once being optimistic about where it can go. Faith has always been a challenge for me based on where I was and what happened with my accident but with the way my life has played out in the past year or so I no longer refuse to believe in a higher power but rather find myself open to believe there is one. I also find myself very fortunate to be surrounded by such a support system that continues to motivate me and pushes me to be the best version of myself, I thank you for that. Where many see 30 as getting old or a bad thing, I’m excited for 30 because 29 was a year of highs that I haven’t had in a while and I’ve set myself up for a wonderful year of being 30.

Thanks for reading!

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